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CNN Gives Yang Record Lowest Screen Time Yet.

After I watched the Democratic Debates last night, I noticed something a little off. CNN never gave presidential candidate Andrew Yang much respect, and typically snubbed him at the debates. But tonight was different; they wouldn’t even so much as point the camera at him.

Footage from the audience shows Yang holding back tears, raising his hand for the moderators to call on him. They never did. They ignored him completely, and even cut his mic off from the mixer when his sniffling became too loud. Not a soul heard Andrew Yang speak during the debate.

The Takeaway:

Clearly CNN is getting bolder and bolder with their attacks on American democracy. But these attacks on democracy aren’t the based kind, they’re the kind that put the silicon-valley technocrats in power. If CNN and Sinclair had their way, we’d be sipping bug-juice out of our combination containment-pod-and-wage-cage’s wallnipple and living in a giant Amazon warehouse. Now that is an outcome I just can’t abide by.

There is a specter haunting our planet, a specter conjured by cabals of soylent-injecting, turtleneck-wearing, Iran-bombing, spirit-cooking psychopaths. Opposing them are those who wish to banish this mighty spirit, to unite against the establishment, to rip it limb from limb, to torture it, and to destroy it. And now we see that there is even yet a third side, those who wish to turn the spirit to their own cause, to speed towards a world in the grotesque image of their choosing.

Andrew Yang is one of the soldiers who want to control this beast, to ride it. I’m not too sure about whose on the right side here, but what I can tell you is that his is fighting the establishment. They hate him, and are doing their darndest to destroy him. That makes him a friend of mine.

If CNN thinks they can just silence anyone who stands in the way of the unnatural birth of their plutocratic soy-powered machine world, they have another thing coming. Andrew Yang will win in the end, folks. Mark my words.

He may not win the presidency, but no matter what it takes, he will win the fight for the spirit of the world itself.

Creek out.

One Comment

  1. MATH MATH August 11, 2020

    They set up this virus to stop us from voting for yang.

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