After taking and destroying both the two female moderators and Tim Walz AT ONCE, J.D. Vance had to quickly rush away from the stage during…

Posts published by “Jim Creek”
Information Warrior. Tiger Jockey. Prehistoric Paleosmithian.
West Dakota Governor, Valerie Felton, made an announcement this Monday that she would be throwing her (proverbial and literal) MAGA hat in the ring for…
The opinions of this author do not necessarily reflect those of PILLED news or our advertising partners. If they reflect your opinions, however, feel free…
We are under attack. The powers that be have decided that there is not a future where Inferential Journalism and the 24 hour news can…
If he tells you he wants a "half-olives, half-pepper and mushroom," you might want to reconsider tonight's date!
BREAKING PILLED.NEWS night team just received word from correspondents at a secret laboratory in Tehran. Due to the nature of this information, we have only…
After I watched the Democratic Debates last night, I noticed something a little off. CNN never gave presidential candidate Andrew Yang much respect, and typically snubbed him at the debates. But tonight was different; they wouldn’t even so much as point the camera at him.
Obliterating claims of his demise, Jeffrey Epstein was spotted breaking back into the Metropolitan Correctional Center. An anonymous prison guard contacted me, field operative Jim Creek, through an astral projection. Sadly, our conversation was cut short when I detected a rancid aura approaching. In all likelihood it was deep-state psychic operatives zeroing in on our locations.