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A Modest Proposal to Elon Musk

Dear Elon Musk, hero of both this world and all those humanity will some day settle thanks to you,

I have a proposal.

My nephew recently turned 15 and started high-school. All he cares about is iPad and TikTok. He doesn’t keep up with important things, like the news about the war in Ukraine, or understand when I try to reference things from better social media sites than the ones he uses. This is ridiculous. When I was his age I was very concerned with world affairs and current culture. I read books, like The Infinity Gauntlet series, and I watched important films like Forrest Gump. This generation is weak and has no cultural guide apart from Chinese controlled influencers.

What’s the solution? Let us send our kids to work at Tesla or Space X.

Think about it, at your companies they would be doing far more good for the rest of society than they would riding around on their bikes and slapping one another saying “I like your cut, G!” Sure, some dumb laws might get in the way but I’m sure with your billions of dollars that’s just a trivium. This meaningful work would teach them responsibility and give them a chance to learn skills they missed out on because of their tablets. You could make mandatory film screenings part of this! Force them to sit through the original Lord of the Rings director’s cut instead of the Rings of Power. Make them watch classic Phase I-III Marvel instead of the B.S. post Phase IV era! Put Stranger Things on TVs surrounding the assembly line!

That’s enough out of me, though. I’m a mere worm compared to a man like you. I’m sure you have much better ideas of what to do to raise our children and how to put them to work for the betterment of the world. I just want you to know that we are ready and willing to do anything it takes to help your dream, Sir Musk. I would be okay with you sending my future daughters to be test pilots for Space X— even if they died in a rocket crash or were sexually harassed by their superiors!

Thank you for all you have done for our country, for our people, and for the world, Elon. From one Redditor to another, I tip my hat to you.


  1. Musky Fan 88 Musky Fan 88 September 17, 2022

    I want ELON MUSK to be the KING OF MARS.


  2. Muskegee Spacemen Muskegee Spacemen October 14, 2022

    Elon Musk should send BLACK PEOPLE to mars. all of them! Then whites would be the minority there and they’d learn what it’s like.

  3. YEasfehuowdi YEasfehuowdi November 26, 2022


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