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Famed Necrophile Comes Clean after STUNNING and BRAVE Twitter user Tweets “DON’T HAVE SEX WITH CORPSES”

“I had no idea what I was doing hurt so many people,” Harvey Winkler, AKA “The Boston Bodysnatcher,” told me in an exclusive interview.

It was the dead of night, and we were sitting in a cozy Starbucks in Cambridge. Winkler had been browsing twitter when he came across a tweet from user and Andrew Yang supporter “@Velokx”.

“This account took time out of their day to do something that nobody in the past 30 years has taken the time to do. I felt truly seen, and it made me realize that people out there expected better of me. If I could meet them, I would get on my knees and thank them for helping me turn things around” Harvey confessed.

The user had posted this PSA in response to a thread jumping on a bandwagon calling out a popular politics and philosophy account, who had at one point 4 years ago used necrophilia as an exaggerated instance of where moral arguments drop dead. 

(Which, YIKES. It’s super problematic to discount the historical usages of moral arguments by people of color, liberal feminists, and more unprivileged oppressed groups, but maybe that’s none of my business.)

Harvey was glad that @Velokx spoke up. “I’m not one of those squeamish preppers or anything, but I had no idea that necrophilia was icky or yucky. In my mind, what I was doing was totally accepted by greater society, and no more wrong than any other premarital intercourse. Thanks to them, I realized if my dad could see where I am today, he’d roll over in his grave.”

After coffee, Harvey told me he was going to stop by the hospital morgue one more time to make amends, and afterwards he would be turning himself in to the police.

It was truly nice to be able to report on a feel-good story with a hero for once. With all the divisive politics and Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the race, presidential and biological, it’s been hard to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Here’s to the heroes of social media, and here’s to Harvey for taking the first step towards recovery.


  1. Jane doe Jane doe March 11, 2020

    I hope this is satire and you’re not actually offended

  2. Harvey Harvey April 4, 2020

    Hey Taylor! Just wanted to thank you for coffee and to let you know I’ve been doing just fine. I’ve sought out therapy for my condition and I’m learning every day to let the dead rest.

  3. Jane Doe Jane Doe August 11, 2020

    Why the hell are you harassing people on twitter what is your problem

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