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Progressive Win! Father supports his son’s decision to live life as a gay man, and also drink 4 liters of vodka a week.

(Editor’s note: The person discussed in this article has asked us not to use their real name.)
It is truly a sign of the positive and progressive times we live in when we see parents being so openly supportive of alternative lifestyles for their children.

From daughters choosing to stay in the workplace, to some people’s kids abandoning the concept of gender altogether!

Since he was 12 years old, Daniel had always known he was attracted to men, and also wanted to shorten his own lifespan with excessive alcohol consumption. Now that he has a partner, and is of legal drinking age, he has had to come clean to his parents about his plans for his love life and his liver.

Daniel told us, “I just want to be who I am. And who I am is a gay man. And also a suicidal

Absolutely stunning and brave!

“I had a little trouble understanding at first that my son was in love with another man and also wanted to regularly consume 4 liters of vodka a week, but then I thought, ‘Anything goes these days!'”, said Daniel’s father.

Wow. Talk about a cool Dad!

It must be a weight off of Daniel’s thin, sickly shoulders to know that his father doesn’t mind the fact that he sleeps next to another man and also inflicts severe damage to his liver and other major internal organs on a regular basis.

We asked Daniel’s boyfriend what he thought of this development.

“What are you talking about? He promised me he’d stop drinking.”

Aww, what a cute couple!

All the cuter that their love is strong enough to defy social norms and the surgeon general’s recommended weekly intake of alcohol!

(If you or someone you know has been affected by alcoholism or homosexuality, please get in contact with us and we can get you in touch with a support group.)


  1. Ben Dover Ben Dover August 29, 2021

    I like my men like I like my liquor – straight, strong, and big enough to make me pass out 😴

  2. gonzaloxx15 gonzaloxx15 September 11, 2021

    Despite making up 4.5% of the population, LGBTs make up 60% of alcoholics. Curious

  3. Пидарасть Пидарасть September 20, 2021

    I support the alcohol. Not so much “man in man”.

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