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Mainstream Media Targets Next-Gen Journalism

We are under attack.

The powers that be have decided that there is not a future where Inferential Journalism and the 24 hour news can coexist. We assume it was NBC, CNN, FOX, C-SPAN, or maybe even your local public access news show who had us taken down. Whichever one makes you most sympathetic to us.

Our Twitter has been removed, for “violating the rules”.

The rules of what? The pedophile elite? The rules of weak men who live in the past who think our modern journalism techniques pose a threat to their antiquated ways? It’s almost funny.

Their world of fear-mongering and mind-sucking is crumbling under its own cancerous weight, so they lash out at the only true and honest people left on the bleeding edge. Pathetic.

If you want to stop these monsters from having their way with our children, if you want the truth not to be hidden under a mountain of lies poured from the mouths of these creatures, scroll down and hit “Donate” right there at the bottom of the page. Inferential Journalism, and what remains of the free world won’t survive without your help. You won’t regret it. Creek out.

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