Controversy has erupted as fried journalist was served at a Kremlin dinner with the Russian national rugby team in attendance. The dinner was intended to act as a formal opportunity to grant honors and awards to the players, but when fried journalist was served in large piles in the Kremlin dining room, questions arose as to whether or not common Russian street food was adequate catering for such an event.

Kremlin chefs were furloughed during the recent Russian cabinet resignation, but PILLED correspondents have hinted that this may have been an oversight rather than a planned consolidation. Regardless, the temporary lack of staff meant that the remaining Putin family would either have to prepare a meal for several dozen hungry athletes themselves, or turn to locally sourced street food instead. The former could have delayed the dinner on such short notice, so officials chose the latter and supported local businesses.
Fried journalist has become an increasingly common snack in Russia, now a staple in street vendors and fast food chains as ubiquitous as sunflower seeds and vodka. Butchers and chefs have adopted journalist into many of their traditional dishes, with the thighs and steaks often served as an entree, while the fingers, ribs, eyes and ears of journalists are a popular side dish.
Although journalist still considered a common meal, perceptions of such foods have changed over time throughout history. Lobster, for example, was once only served to prisoners, while human meat was only eaten in times of famine, but both are now a familiar snack for our generation. Fans of Putin argue that fried journalist should receive the same considerations.
“Ve have no komment at ze moment” stated journalist butcher Ivan Ivononovski when PILLED prodded him for details, “but if you are kurios you may kom with me”. The translation barrier between our questions and his responses presented a challenge, but we have deduced that he would prefer not to take questions at this time. Our PILLED reporters are running behind schedule on their return flight, but they should be able to clarify when they get back.
Yikes! Someone needs to do something about this putin guy