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Sigma Variant has better things to do than infect you

Though the world lives in constant fear of new variants of COVID-19, leading WHO doctors are calling this unfounded when it comes to the brand new “Sigma” variant.

“The Sigma variant comes as a shock right before the start of the fall semester for many schools, worrying many there may be a return to online classes. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told PILLED.NEWS in an exclusive interview last Sunday.

“The Sigma is highly independent and self reliant, it’s a lone-wolf virus. It’s not weak like the other COVID’s, it doesn’t need you or anyone else to host it. It’s perfectly capable on its own and doesn’t really have time for you even if it wanted to, which, let me be absolutely clear: It does not want to.” Fauci continued.

As to what the Sigma variant is up to, PILLED.NEWS attempted to contact the virus only to go straight to voicemail, which was full.

We can only assume the Sigma variant is on the grind, judging by his snapchat story showing his ETH portfolio going “to the moon”.


  1. sarahdavexxx sarahdavexxx September 11, 2021

    Sigma Variant can go F** itself i’m SICK of unvaccinated VERMIN spreading diseases and making them evolve! F** this!

  2. sneed sneed September 21, 2021


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