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I Hate the Antichrist

I hate the antichrist.

Though it might be controversial in academic circles, I must say I am not a big fan of the antichrist.

In fact, my feelings on the matter could be described as hateful. Why though, is it perceived as hateful to simply be a Christian?

You might be starting to roll your eyes at this. For just a moment, go ahead and imagine if someone at university had a sticker on their laptop proclaiming: “I hate the antichrist.”

Why is it that others in the room would feel squeamish about this?

Why would progressive and conservative administration alike sweat over this simple statement condemning evil?

In fact, if a student displayed “Hail Satan!” on their car or notebook it would rightfully be of little note.

This is not because of some concerted effort by crypto satanists in leadership positions. While there are anti-Christian groups they are not solely and completely responsible for the workings of society at large.

It is because the antichrist is not a man, not an inverted messiah, but a doctrine.

This doctrine rules not only established society, but most “radical alternatives” proposed by academics.

Roman death cults like The Vatican, Democratic Republics, and Fascist states rule over a world where man is held above God. Man then rejected forgiveness, love, mercy, and peace for infinite war, usury, and hate. (Not to mention neopagan syncretic pantheons of comic-book superheroes and state worship.)

If the antichrist is a fake pretending to be a savior, then the social order of today fits the bill perfectly.

Demagogues assert that science advances the Earth to further heights of perfection. That today is the best life has ever been for mankind. This assertion is harder and harder to stand by nowadays. However, it’s plain to see it was always wrong.

God had granted us a beautiful, plentiful Earth. The Hudson was once teeming with lobster, every river with shellfish. Insects and animals were brilliant and vivid colors before industrialization.

An insolent mankind devoured God’s glory. While the peasants of the “Dark Ages” owned their own land, worked outdoors and for less hours, and had large families: Today “free citizens” own nothing, work longer and unhealthier, and send their parents to death camps end-of-life-assistance-institutions when they can no longer be good slaves.

Isn’t it odd that in this “system of private ownership” that nobody even owns the 5G capable dopamine addiction rectangle in their pocket? Phones, houses, apartments, cars, land, education, everything is financed and rented. Usury.

The antichrist is not coming, it’s already here. We live inside the antichrist.

Faustian academics, Roman-styled politicians, modern pharisees, and aggrieved extremists don’t yet realize this extends to their “alternatives” which are only perpetuation of the antichrist.

I hate the antichrist should not mean hating man for trapping you in the antichrist.

Those who are trapped with you in the antichrist do not deserve your hate. Those who take up the doctrine of the antichrist thinking they are fighting it are merely reaffirming it. Meaningful resistance can never be carried out in this way

Hating the Antichrist means loving all of God’s glory. The love between all man unites us even when we don’t realize it. That’s the Holy Spirit. This is why “Hail Satan” means nothing. It’s empty edginess, because love is at the core of a human being whether we accept that or not.

But “I hate the Antichrist” is a powerful statement. It’s admitting openly that you believe in something, and that something isn’t the atheistic neopagan masturbatory idol worship accepted by and proliferated by the antichrist society.

It’s shocking to hear, whether those who hear it know that it’s a cry for freedom or not.

But here’s the thing.

It’s okay that we live inside the antichrist.

Just as God knows us and all our sin and still loves us so too can we forgive the world and all other men.

The world may be flawed but it’s still beautiful. We can continue living in it even if it isn’t perfect. The fact it is so incredibly flawed is still too a blessing. Adversity of the right kind, in the right amounts is the propulsion of human life. (If God did not bless me with immense pain I would have continued my sedentary lifestyle devoid of exercise and perished young.)

The first Christians were surrounded by a violent world whose values differed immensely from theirs. They faced slaughter and torture. Rome killed Jesus and many Saints for their disobedience. They still loved God and the world, and even loved the Romans too.

Today, we don’t face direct murder or torture. At least, not on the level faced by Saints Benedict and Sebastian. We can surely work to spread the good news, build the third temple in the abstract sense, and stand up to injustice and sin. Remember: History is most kind to that which self-propagates.

God still made this world for us and we can make the most of it.

No. We will make the most of it. Our task will be difficult, but through God all things are possible.

Not through violent retribution, but by the grace of God and his Kingdom coming to Earth. Something that can only be brought about through the unity of man. The Third Temple is not a place.

God loves you.

No matter what.


  1. Fr. Alberto Cutillas Fr. Alberto Cutillas August 13, 2007

    “I hate the antichrist.”

    I like this statement.

    It is simple.

    It is clear.

    It is concise.

    It is one of the best I have heard.

    It is true.

    • Gregory Hamer Gregory Hamer November 6, 2021

      Dear Father,

      In our recent exchange in the comments section of the blog, you had asked me to read and comment on your paper. I have reviewed the paper and it is very interesting. The paper, “Episcopate, Sex, and the Devil’s Music” is available at I will try to answer the questions that you have posed.

      I think that your questions are very important. They are about the nature of evil and the possible relationship between evil and sexuality. In the paper you speak of the demonic influence of music on the sexual impulse. What you are asking about is the nature of the evil that is involved in this.

      In short I think I have to say that evil is the ancient chinese concept of “Ma”

      • Fr. Alberto Cutillas Fr. Alberto Cutillas November 6, 2021

        I’m sorry, the Ancient Chinese concept of Ma? I can’t say I’m familiar. Could you elaborate please?

        • Gregor Hamer Gregor Hamer November 6, 2021

          “Ma” dick and balls.


  2. Antichrist Antichrist November 1, 2021


  3. United Nations Press Office United Nations Press Office November 3, 2021


  4. Jerry Seinfeld Jerry Seinfeld November 3, 2021

    Sounds like my ex wife!

  5. 32 year old woman 32 year old woman November 3, 2021

    The boy in the article photo looks sexy. 🙂

    • Wesley Schicklgruber III Wesley Schicklgruber III Post author | November 3, 2021

      you are a sodomite

  6. George "Peter Theil" Jefferson George "Peter Theil" Jefferson November 6, 2021

    I hate the antichrist. He is the most vile person on this planet. When he dies, it will be a better place for everyone.

    Believe it or not, I am not one of those people who are just going to think the worst of the antichrist. I have tried to think the best of him, but I just can’t. He has committed unspeakable atrocities.

    You don’t have to agree with me. I don’t expect that you will. I have posted my thoughts on the antichrist in the past.

    I hate the antichrist because he has ruined my life. He has ruined my marriage and my children. He has ruined my church. He has taken away the people who I love.

    He has brought me to the point where I have lost faith in God and everything I have ever believed in. He has caused me to hate the church.

    He has taken away my dream of having a family of my own. He has made me a bitter person. He has taken away my joy. He has taken away my peace.

    He has taken away my friends.

    I hate the antichrist because he has broken my heart. He has broken my family.

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