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Why I’m going to send all of PILLED.NEWS through a wormhole about one year into the future.

Recently I was given permission to tour the Large Hadron Collider and other such facilities. It reminded me of my younger years, back in the 30’s and 40’s. Needless to say, I was impressed. But when I consulted the Akashic [redacted]

Naturally that wouldn’t do, so I realized I needed to work quickly to avoid [redacted]

It’s nothing I hadn’t done before, but I’d never done it with an entire news building. I needed to do some more research. Let me tell you, I went through a lot of prefabricated garden sheds from Home Depot before I got it right. It was worth the effort, because now that I have the method[redacted]





It was quite simple to set up, and none of our employees would notice a thing. In fact you could probably do so in your own backyard using[redacted]



Anyway, alles gute!

See you one year (ish), in the future!

Also if any articles come out between now and next August, be highly suspicious of the author. They may not be who they claim to be.

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