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Frogs found to not even exist.

I took to the rainforests last month to search for some rare frogs to see if eating them would make me stronger. I hunted thousands of separate species to complete extinction to satisfy my alpha male needs and yet, I can’t even remember what any of them looked like, tasted like, what it felt like to bite into them.

I know it happened. I was there. The heat, the humidity, the thrill off the hunt. But not a single frog remains in my mind. I can’t figure it out. All I ate was frogs. I know it. If I had not hunted them I would not be here today to write this, but I know equally that there were no frogs.

Perhaps they were some sort of demonic entities, frolicking in those hellish heats, consuming insects the likes of which have killed more human beings than even the most vicious tyrants. Maybe all frogs exist on a separate but close enough astral plane to our minds, and can slip between the cracks, the seam between where our world meets the rest of being.

Perhaps I can follow where they go if I get enough of them. Or will that damn me instead? I tried searching on the internet for a solution, for any information about this, but I couldn’t find it.

I’ve been having splitting headaches since my return from the Amazon. It’s hard to deal with.

Maybe I should look for some local frogs in the wood off that road they abandoned…

One Comment

  1. Jane Doe Jane Doe August 30, 2021

    Abouslte chad.The CCCP wants us to believe that frogs are real but us URKAINIANS know that is fale

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