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Mysterious Woman Latecomer to GOP Primary

West Dakota Governor, Valerie Felton, made an announcement this Monday that she would be throwing her (proverbial and literal) MAGA hat in the ring for the Republican Party Primary.

She cited a strong need for judicial reform and said she felt inspired to become president after she learned of the “Power of Pardon” and promised that she would help fix the justice-system by pardoning those who had been unfairly prosecuted, and by redacting “inflammatory court statements that foment disunity”.

“My husb– friend, Bill –er– William, will soon… I mean was recently unfairly convicted through association with his friend who I ki– I mean… that died a few years back to a suicide…” Felton confided in me in a one-on-one interview about her candidacy, “I just want to make sure that nobody ever has to face away from anything like that again twice handcuffed.”

Well, Governor, we will be watching with great interest!

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