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OpEd: Gasoline Is Environmentally Friendly.

Name one person you know who has ever died from gasoline.

See? You can’t. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of cars driving past you on the main road. The main road which you barely live any distance from. Hell, maybe you live in a city, you literally walk among cars. 99% of them, statistically, are running off of gasoline combustion engines. Have you died yet?

If gasoline can’t hurt human beings, how can it hurt the environment? That’s made out of rocks, and water, and elements. The hysterical liberal media would go crazy if I told them my dad’s water company gets away with providing towns with water that’s allegedly over 20% gasoline! But it’s manufactured outrage. All of our customers are completely healthy and happily buy our water. Other water companies pretend to be healthy when 100% of the people that drink their products die. The liberals will whine and complain, but they won’t even take a sip of our product. They refuse to try it because they’re scared that it won’t kill them. But it won’t, and they just can’t have that. Because they want to get mad, they want to scream and shout about how “evil” we are.

But, they don’t care who they’re screaming at. They target the most vulnerable, most easy targets; and then move on to the next. Then, they turn to oil giants because they can’t pick on someone their own size. There is no goal, no outcome, and no desire than outrage that fuels this environmental “cancel culture.” Well, eventually we are going to have to put our foot down when it comes to uncontrolled petrolophobia online and in public.

First, they come for gasoline in the water supply; then they come for the rest of us. It’s just like Nazi Germany. So stand up for me and my family’s humble multi-million dollar enterprise before there’s no one left to stand up for you.


  1. Truckdude Truckdude January 16, 2020

    Those damn COMMIENAZIS … look at it! First, they bombed America in 2001, then this??? Gasoline is AMERICAN. I don’t accept this shit…

  2. GREENPEACE GREENPEACE August 11, 2020


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