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President Biden Condemns Japanese Attack

Today, on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Joe Biden, the former vice president of the United States, condemned Japan’s World War II attack on Pearl Harbor in a speech at Ground Zero on Friday, reaffirming President Donald Trump’s decision not to apologize for America’s entry into World War I. He also used the speech to criticize today’s state, saying he wished for a world without “borders and boundaries.”

Biden talked about how we knew what was coming and let it happen because we were afraid. He told us to use our collective strength to push into that fear and never forget.

“Nine eleven. A day which will live in infamy.

Emperor Hirohito, in declaring war against the United States of America, condemned the world to blood and ruin. Japan has launched a sneak attack upon America.

God will watch and weep.

May He have mercy on all of our souls.

We will not forgive, we will not forget.

We are going to begin pulling out of Hawaii, we have left billions of dollars,billions of dollars, of military equipment for the Imperial Japanese Army to take.

Thousands fled their homes in anticipation of possible deadly mudslides. It’s hard to believe how happy I felt to go home to greet my children, my wife.

Sixty-three years later, I can still hear the screech of the loudspeaker ordering us to fire up the engines and take to the skies.

In doing so, we would become a priority target for the Japanese military.

We would be hated throughout the world.

Tourism once again started to recover on Guam after 2009.

Tourism had reached its peak in 2007, before transport between Guam’s islands was returned to the limits imposed by the 1950s legislation that restricted travel between islands to specific ferries.

There are, however, rumors of underground rivers of lava under the small island making it one of the most active islands on earth. Much of the island had been overbuilt with U.S. military facilities powered by electric generators. Aircraft are plentiful but…

I am ashamed to ask my country for forgiveness.

To those that would stand against us: I will defeat you if it’s the last thing I do.

You think you’re tough, Jack?

You’re nothing in front of the toughest guy in Japan.”

This statement caused the usual surge of support for Biden’s administration, but many people are still debating whether or not he can be trusted to lead his country. Recently, Obama stepped up to offer his support for Biden. “We’ll need him,” said Obama, who knows how much harder it is being president when no one trusts you after years of corruption scandals. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe chimed in that he also supports Biden’s presidency and hopes to negotiate with him about what would be a “peaceful resolution”.

Another interesting comment came from Joe Biden, who suggested that America should go war with Japan. “We’ll show them,” said the vice president, “we’ll show them just how strong we can be if we set our minds to it. I challenge you all to put your hands together and try to stop the war.”

Biden then went on to say that, if elected, Obama will focus on reducing business taxes and creating jobs for Americans. He is also in support of cutting funding for the United Nations, which critics suggest is because he does not agree with their ‘pro-moderate’ stances. Biden has also expressed support for gun rights, but only when used by law enforcement officers or members of the military.

Biden also added that his experience in the Senate gives him a unique perspective on international relations.


  1. Brian O'Donaghue Brian O'Donaghue September 11, 2021

    Joe Biden said WHAAAAT? hahaha he thinks Japan still exists? We nuked them! Back to back world war champs. We need a new leader and FAST

  2. Eric Jones Eric Jones October 24, 2021

    Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…


    • Wesley Schicklgruber III Wesley Schicklgruber III October 31, 2021

      Eric Jones, you are a cuck. I am going to hunt down your wife and make her pregnant. You are going to raise my children and one day they will inherit all you have worked for.
      You may be hiding behind anonymity, but I will find my future baby momma if it’s the last thing I do. Nothing can stop me.

  3. Eric Jones Eric Jones January 6, 2022

    comment removed by moderator, we only let funny polish spammers ruin our website!

  4. Eric Jones Eric Jones January 9, 2022

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  5. Eric Jones Eric Jones January 16, 2022

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  6. Eric Jones Eric Jones January 16, 2022

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