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Shine your phone’s flashlight into your eyes. That’s 1/10th of what it feels to be aborted.

Take out your phone. If it’s been made in the last 10 years, it probably has a built in flashlight. Turn it on as bright as it goes. Now comes the hard part. Take your phone, but face the screen away from you.

Open your eyes, as wide as they can go. Don’t try to fight it. Let it in. This is your pain. These are your eyes. Don’t go to your little liberal mind cave and find your social justice power animal, deal with the pain the way a real man would.

Feel it.

Okay, you can stop now.

According to experts, what you just felt isn’t even close to what an aborted fetus feels when it is killed. In fact, they estimate that the baby probably feels about 10 times that. Now imagine how many sperm you’ve genocided. Billions of little copies of you, probably feeling as bad as the baby. Unless all of that goes into your wife, culminating in the birth of a new child, you should be arrested and shot on the spot.

It’s really that simple.

Keep those happy little swimmers alive in your testicles, or when you die God will send you to hell and you’ll feel 1000 times worse than when you put your phone in your eyes.


  1. RamaIsJesusDotNet RamaIsJesusDotNet April 9, 2022

    Nah the godhead will send you to one of the hot Narakas….both you and liberals.

  2. TheRealElonMusk TheRealElonMusk April 9, 2022

    You see the actual issue with aboration is that the andrechrome is being only being sent to rich white males and not poor POC. I will make a start up to change that.

    Elon Musk 2024

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