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Why Eating Out is the Mark of a Weak Husband.

Here’s a question every man needs to ask himself: Hypothetically, if my wife were to not cook one night, would I order out?

Naturally, most men would say, obviously. It’s not a man’s place to cook, so to supplement my wife’s failings and provide for my children I need to ensure that food is available in the next most appropriate manner.

However, this is a dangerous step towards female domination of your household and a descent into marital chaos.

Hypothetically, you need to understand that your wife is, essentially, mentally a child.

If you give her an out, and cause her to realize that she can skirt her responsibilities as the mother of your children, she will continue to take it.

So to ensure that she continues to perform her obligations, the correct move is to not play at all if your wife leaves dinner to you.

If she attempts to order food, takeout, delivery, or go to a restaurant, you need to cancel her credit card. If you don’t have financial control over her, then buddy, your marriage was already over long ago.

Think about your children. What will they think if your wife just spends the evening in her room with fever instead of cooking?

They’ll realize being sick means having fun, getting to shirk their responsibilities. Next thing you know, no more homework, they’re late for school, and they refuse to work under the table at the recycling plant as sorters. All because they’re sick, or have a boo-boo, or they’re “depressed”.

Yeah right.

Year after year, weak soy-fueled men grow in number as they take over the role of kitchen slave.

Their children, confused by this, will all want to swap their genders and listen to hyper-pop and crust-punk. If you see one of your dad-bros talking about the latest “Binging with Babish,” just say no.

Strong men create no food. No food creates strong wives. Strong wives create big dinners. Big dinners create a happy family.


  1. Ed Geen Ed Geen November 15, 2021

    This why I have multiple wives, if one bitch cant cook than I force the other one to.Divorce one that cant. Endless supply of whores,god I love Mormonism.

    • American Society of Kemetic Orthodoxy American Society of Kemetic Orthodoxy November 15, 2021

      Paganism also does this ugh. This is why its based

      • Carl Church Carl Church November 15, 2021

        F*cking devil worshippers in my comment section ugh

      • Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah November 15, 2021

        I wish the quran let me have more than three…

  2. Elliot Elliot November 15, 2021

    I rat my cun

  3. Jimmy Caveman Jimmy Caveman November 15, 2021

    Wife won’t cook.
    Will forcibly extract breast milk.

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