2021 was an amazing year for everyone, I think we can all agree. And we’re not just saying that because Ghislaine Maxwell killed herself! To commemorate this momentous occasion, let’s do an epic countdown of our Top 10 Pilled News moments!
Number 10
The Annual Jeffrey Epstein articles!

Much like the kids Epstein ripped the teeth out of and threw their bodies into the ocean: this one never gets old! Last year, as Pilled emerged from the time vortex, Erik and Calvin really came in strong with a declaration of love and a declaration of war to the delight of die-hard Pilled fans, and pilled fans of Die Hard. Here’s to another year of the “J. Man” being the single most mentioned individual on this website.
I have a headache also, isn’t that a cool moment?
Number 9

Missing the previous New Year for no reason whatsoever!
Number 8

The Queen of England died. Ian wrote a really heartfelt piece saying goodbye to a stunning and brave icon, it made me cry. I was positively sobbing. Why won’t Ian write more article about gaming? Our apex redditor is slipping. I wanna see some E3 coverage next year Ian! I need to know who won game of the year!
Number 7

Okay hear me out: Christian Bale Batman Trilogy meets American Psycho.
Bruce Patrick Bateman Wayne is a billionaire whose parents died and works at Pierce and Pierce Acquisitions and is on the board of Wayne enterprises. He murders women and beats up poor people at night, but by day he listens to Huey Lew oh hold on its almost New Years. I’ve gotta run downstairs and see the ball thingy.
Number 6
Uh, Afghanistan I guess?
Number 5
Did Joe biden win this year?
Number 4
I dunno
Number 3
Amaretto sour
Number 2
And now it’s time for the number one commenter award!
Self described “passionate commenter,” who I will refer to anonymously, left an absolute pile of amazing comments, funny pictures of Bill Gates, and cool keygen music!

Thank you XMC or whatever your real name is! Please reach out to us by leaving a comment on this page, we would love to present you with your award!
Number 1
I don’t know I don’t know this is last minute this is last minute it’s almost New Year I didn’t think about this it’s not like I can just go back in time and post it at New Year I want it to be special I want it to be special please like this article and share it and turn off adblock and give me bitcoin and monero please please please.
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